Saturday, October 28, 2006

What? Me? Manic? Never...

Though I must say it is 2:10 am on October 28 and I am not asleep yet nor do I really think I will be till I board the plane at 8:30am. To say I am excited would be an understatement. I feel like a 17-year old (I guess that is the age I would have gone to Europe the first time). But I am indeed 37. And pulling an all nighter. After just getting over a cold. I have made airborne the new food group. I have packed four vials (I bought out Trader Joe's earlier today).

I have packed insane amounts of Clif Builders Bars and almonds because of course there is no food in the UK and I will starve. YEAH, Neurotic much? Though I did take Sheryl's advice and packed only four pairs of pants instead of the pre-ordained six.

Did I mention I am still awake?


At 6:34 AM, Blogger Clay said...


There is food in the UK. Some of it is just, well, a little unusual. Anybody offers you an eel pie, pass. And the aromatic duck sandwiches are not worth writing home about. Beyond that, you should be okay.

Good job cutting down on the trousers-count, too. Amazingly, they have water and soap.

Looking forward to more here. We're all awfully proud of you. Best to Dan, too. See you soon.

At 8:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sammy! All your dreams are coming true. I knew they would! Have a great time in the UK.

At 1:28 PM, Blogger Jun said...

Look! It's Spammy!!!

Congrats on everything, have fun on those British Isles.

I have a blog too *ahem* don't we all. Come on over sometime.

At 2:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sammy, I'm so thrilled for you. I know it'll go so well. Looking forward to reading all about it. Enjoy every moment of it.



At 5:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sammeleh! or should I say Sir Samalot? You are probably still on a plane right now, so I'll forgive a brief interlude before you respond...

I've been telling people to remember the name: Sammy Buck. Seriously, people at the grocery store, doctor's office, you name it. I am so proud of you! Packing only 4 is a huge step forward.

loving you,

At 9:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should meet up with the tall dude from Little Britain while you're there. He's like your doppleganger and whatnot.

At 7:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Sammy,

What an adventure!! I am so proud of you!! I will miss you tonight... wish we could meet there!!

Say hi to Dan for me...



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